domenica 23 maggio 2010


Carissimi amici siamo commossi dalle vostre  bellissime parole!Per noi sono molto importanti!
Dear friends, we are moved by your beautiful words!
Liebste Freunde werden von euren schönsten Wörtern gerührt!
Are very important for us!
Sie sind sehr wichtig für uns!
Rain is a little better.
Eats, does some step .
hasn't fever but must sleep much because it is very weak.
We are a little more relaxed because responding when we call and shows interest.

Tomorrow,in the hospital decided that the examinations should be done to understand why they are wrong.
Mom Where is Rain?

3 commenti:

  1. Big Kisses to Rain, good luck for tomorrow!
    Greetings from Emil & Co

  2. Dear Rain,
    to morrow - good luck!!
    Lovely wuffi's Isi

  3. Dear Rain,

    good luck for tomorrow!!!!

    Best wishes
    Muffin from Munich
